About Scupper SCAMs

About us

Here @ Stop A Scam our aims and objectives are dedicated to achieving the goal of pushing back these scammers.

Safeguarding basic needs and rights of every individual within our community to not have to live in fear or have our lives turned upside down.

These villains (we cannot bring ourselves to call them people) are organized, practice and scripted individuals who feed on our vulnerability. They have anticipated answers to all our questions and nothing seems to faze them.

We should join as ONE united collective to subdue and frustrate these individuals who are wreaking havoc in our life daily.


We will be sending out a monthly newsletter both online (via Email) and in paper format (for those savvy people who are not online)

Our Newsletter is called ‘STOP A SCAM’

It will be full of fun activities for the whole family, along with loaded advertisements (from carefully selected companies), Money-off Coupons, Special Offers in the Gift Shop Store and Fun and games for the whole family to enjoy.