Be aware: eBay Auction site Phone Scammers
While online I was searching around for a new phone, and I had gone on a few
different sites
to look for a bargain. I happened to come across a really good deal on a
well-known auction
site, where I had purchased numerous things through this site before, so I was
not at all
nervous to make another purchase.
I checked out the description and then enquired a little bit more with the seller
online through
an auction site which reassured me further regarding the payment process and
the time it
would take to get the item delivered.
I then paid the £283.48 asking price and was sent a prompt message that it
would be sent
recorded delivery along with a tracking number and estimated arrival time. The
very next day
I received another message from the seller which was a bit odd because in the
message he
had mentioned sending the wrong (SD card) item to me and that I would need
to send it
back to him so that he could send it to the right customer. Now this is when
alarm bells
started ringing. (I alerted the Auction site straight away – they seemed
uninterested) I then
tried to use the tracking code which came up incorrect, now I was concerned at
this point.
After anxiously anticipating my new phone several days later,(went to the door
and received
a flat envelope which I opened in front postman I couldn’t believe the cheek
went straight
back to the Auction site with the photos from every direction they were not
interested as the
member was saying he had sent it but I noted the reference in the package was
different and
sent them a screenshot of the Royal Mail original tracking reference that show it
had not
been posted delivered at my address thereafter, I was sent about 3 other
references that
ended nowhere.
“How, had I gone wrong?” What did I need to do next so I got back online to the
auction site
to message the seller to express my frustrations at the whole ordeal only to be
faced firstly
with a complete lie and dishonest response about going to the post office to
sort it out and
that a phone was sent he still insisted that I had sent the phone “ if the post
office has lost it
…” with righteous indignation. I was just tired of going back and forth.
So I did my investigation by using common sense I took to the internet and the
website and demonstrated to the auction site using that the weight of the
package sent to me and the weight of the Iphone and the weight of the package
were not equal even without the box in question….only then did the auction site
return my
original fund from the scammers account.
The scammer noted the refund and became more hostile. He said he wanted
his money
back and to emphasise the point he ended with “I know where you live!”. My
blood ran cold
…I was terrified then the terror became fury at the audacity of these scammers.
I was not going to sit back and take it so I trailed the person online. I found the
post office, the town and a video recording.
When I mentioned the town name to the scammer and the video evidence in an
email the threats stopped.
I then wrote my bad feedback on the empty envelope … then rolled in other
feedback of the
same …none arrived. Maybe they too were afraid to post.
However, to this day I still can hear “I know where you live” … that never
leaves you. The
auction website in my opinion was very unhelpful thankfully I know some about
“I should also add that I had to get in touch with “Action Fraud” to get further
help with
claiming my funds back as I had a short window with the complaint, I had raised
with the
auction website to get my money back and they were unhelpful, and I would
lose my money
if I did not report it. On Top of that, I was also informed to keep all evidence
safe and to
make copies and photographs of all correspondence which I have to this day …
even the
empty envelope.
In terms of future online payments, I no longer buy expensive items online from
sites. If I need to buy anything there are small amounts although I check
feedback and
reviews to good, trusted suppliers where other people have had good things to
say I also
remember that bad reviews about this seller only appeared after I posted my
You can’t ever be too careful, don’t ignore your intuition, if it’s too good to be
true it probably is!